What's the Plan?
How will your business generate revenue if
you cannot work for a period of time?
What must happen so you can stop
turning customers away?
When will you take time away from work
to enjoy the days you have been dreaming about?
When will you make the time to take care of your
health and other important areas of your life?
Mission Statement
BOLD serves small business owners in the areas of Customer Service and Sales Operations, Marketing Solutions, Employee Relations, and Custom Projects for sustained longevity and success. We are committed to understanding and respecting the visions our clients have for securing their companies futures.

Believe things are working in your favor. It is important to believe what you are working towards is exactly what you should be doing. Also, as the business owner, it is critical for you to believe in yourself, employees, and your ideas in order for the business to be successful.
Believe you can overcome anything that comes your way. Challenges will arise, but you CAN overcome the hurdles that arise along the way. Then, believe the right resources and individuals will be provided to support you as you lead and manage a thriving business.
Live in the moment and never allow fear to prevent you from achieving your personal and business goals and dreams. F.E.A.R. = False beliefs acting real
Dream until your last breath because life is short. Work smarter not harder to achieve your dreams by working with the right business partners and employees.


About Us
BOLD Business Solutions LLC (BOLD) partners with small business owners to excel in several areas, especially, those they are not experts. Frequently, business owners quickly realize there are areas of their business where they have passion and others they wish they had support. As the business is rolling along, often, owners realize having to do everything is mentally and emotionally challenging. When this realization occurs, owners may start to feel overwhelmed and stressed which can negatively impact one's health along with family and client relationships. If your business is approaching or at this juncture it is time to find a reliable partner, like BOLD, to avoid costly consequences in these areas:
Customer Service & Sales Operations
Marketing Services
Employee Relations & Development
Custom Solutions
BOLD is your trusted PARTNER for the areas of your business you must delegate. At BOLD, we look forward to collaborating with you and your team to ensure your business achieves today’s goals
and objectives for long-term success.